In the ever-changing world of fashion, what’s in trend one season vanishes away in the next. However, now and then, we stumble across a garment that is totally immune to the wrath of such seasonal changes. You know who we’re talking about, right? Well, in case a name hasn’t popped up in your brain yet, let us spell it out for you. We’re talking about the biggest beasts of all wardrobes – the satin bomber jackets men love and adore. Thanks to its flattering cut and structured silhouette, this wardrobe classic has withstood the shifting sands of menswear for nearly a century and, by the looks of it, will continue to do so.
Stag Wears’ Camouflage Satin Bomber Jacket
The satin bomber jacket is something every man should own at least once in his lifetime because no other jacket can boost your confidence and charm quite like one. Over the years, many Hollywood icons have relied on the jacket’s sporty vibe and perfect fitting, including Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones, Tom Cruise in Top Gun, and Ryan Gosling in Drive. We can’t forget that now, can we?
But lets for a second turn our gaze away from the silver screen where everything looks just spectacular and ask ourselves an important question: is a regular guy capable of pulling off the satin bomber jackets men like Reynolds and Cruise did? On the way to work, a casual lunch? To this, we offer you a resounding yes. And as evidence, we’ve picked out a handful of no-fail satin jacket outfits to inspire and get you started.
Satin Bomber Jackets Men Outfits and Styling Tips
Stag Wears’ Black Satin Jacket
In case your style preferences lean more towards minimalism, steal a page from this guy’s book when styling your satin bomber. Based on a crisp palette of blue and black, this look is all about keeping it minimal. A black satin bomber layered over a grey tee and paired with denim results in a look that is sharp and perfect for semi-casual settings. Look closely and you’ll see the sleek texture of the jacket itself, which gives the outfit exactly what it needs – an extra edge of class.
First things first – a layered fit should always aim for looking both harmonized and comfortable and with the help of satin bomber jackets men can gracefully carry off this attitude. As tempting as it might be to go overboard with the layering, the key here is to keep things balanced. A good satin jacket should speak for itself, so keep the rest of the outfit simple.
Stag Wears’ White Satin Jacket
A grey sweater paired with dark-blue denim makes for a perfect fit. However, layering it with a satin bomber jacket will take your outfit to the next level. In case you’re feeling a little too daring, try layering your satin bomber over a blazer, preferably one in a lighter shade.
Stag Wears’ High-School Satin Varsity Jacket
In winters, it’s always tempting to snuggle into dark-colored clothes like black jackets, blue sweaters, and brown boots. Why? Because these subtle tones not only match the winter vibe but also complement the low light conditions.
However, it’s always fascinating to see someone go the other way around and experiment with color just like this dude. By the looks of it, our man didn’t hesitate one bit and has put together an outfit that wildly combines a fiery red satin bomber jacket with some old school jeans. A greyish tee layered under complements the jacket just right. Bonus points for the facial hair.
Inspired much? Well, in case you are, shop one from our carefully curated satin bomber jackets men’s edit. Trust us, all these jackets will help you feel the very best version of yourself, now and forever.
How Can I Design Bomber Jacket Online?
Visit our Design Lab page, select custom satin bomber jacket and start customizing it.